Perfect Fit, Perfect Finish:

Why Sizing Matters for Press-On Nails

Achieving the perfect fit for press-on nails is paramount for comfort, durability, and overall satisfaction. Proper sizing ensures that the nails adhere securely to your natural nails, minimizing the risk of premature popping or lifting. A precise fit enhances comfort, preventing discomfort or pain often associated with ill-fitting nails. Additionally, correctly sized press-ons contribute to a seamless, natural appearance, enhancing the overall aesthetic of your manicure. Ultimately, prioritizing sizing ensures a flawless and enjoyable nail enhancement experience, empowering you to express your style with confidence and ease.

Let me show you how!

Option 1

Purchasing a sizing kit

Using our nail sizing kit, achieving the ideal fit for your nails is effortless. Just slide the tip over your natural nail, ensuring it fully covers from side wall to side wall. If your natural nail is visible beneath the tip, consider sizing up. Conversely, if the tip extends beyond the side wall of your finger, it's too large. Our simple process guarantees a snug and flawless fit for your press-on nails, ensuring comfort and longevity.

Option 2

Measuring your own nails


To measure your nails accurately, gently lay a soft measuring tape over the widest part of each nail, ensuring a snug fit to accommodate any curvature. Note down the width of each nail in millimeters at its widest point.

Alternatively, place a piece of tape across the widest part of each nail, pressing it down to conform to the nail's curve. After removing the tape, measure the distance between your marks on each nail (thumb, index, middle, ring, and pinky) using a measuring tape or ruler in millimeters.


Having measured the width of your nails in millimeters, factoring in any curvature, refer to the chart below to match your measurements with the corresponding nail numbers (00-9) and select the appropriate size kit (XS, S, M, L, XL).

  • If you are in between two sizes is better to size up.

  • You can select custom at checkout and leave your nail measurements in the comment box.

  • If you are still not sure what size to pick you can contact me.